What to Do With Written Down Stock from Your Stocktake?

Most businesses do their stocktake at the end of the financial year and an accurate stocktake is one of the most essential parts of a successful business. The stocktake helps in making informed business decisions about inventory management and stock control. A successful stocktake gives a business valuable insight about their sales patterns, warehouse processes, and theft-prevention needs as well as damaged stock.


Smart ways to manage written down stock


Offers and discounts

You could lower the prices on your products and make it easy for customers to afford. In addition to this, you could think about bundling products together that complement each other at a special rate or offer additional discounts on volume purchases.  The way you package offers and discounts up can also impact their sales success.


Send it to a clearance auction house

You could ship the stock you don’t want to one of the specialist auction houses that handle liquidation and excess stock. You can set a reserve or you can just let the bidding process take its course. You get back your warehouse space and get a reduced return for your stock.


Use an online marketplace

Australia’s number 1 online marketplace is Industrial Clearance; here your business can sell products at clearance prices easily online. This will allow your business to clear your overstocked products that are taking up too much warehouse space. Industrial Clearance has a wide range of branded products that is regularly updated so you know your stock will be seen by the right buyers.


Benefits of using industrial clearance

One of the major benefits of using industrial clearance is that you will have complete control on the price list of your products. For a great opportunity at clearing stock, the best thing you can do is price your products at the genuine clearance prices.  The best news is you only pay for products sold.



There are numerous smart ways you can get rid of your written down stock without it being a complete loss.

You can get rid of your unwanted, obsolete or excess stock excess stock by selling it through clearance companies such as Industrial Clearance. By registering as a seller on Industrial Clearance, you can gain financial value for your excess or unwanted stock and free up space in your warehouse for other important functions.

On the site, you only pay for what you sell, as opposed to paying per listing. Are you ready to improve your cash flow and get rid of unwanted stock? Register today.

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